Volume 7 Issue 1
Case Report
Osteosynthesis of Chronically Displaced Nonunion of Olecranon Fracture Without Bone Grafting
Keiko Amano, MD; Mohammed S. Abdullah, BS; Jeremy S. Somerson, MD[PDF] [HTML Version]
Climate Change and Value Based Medicine: Role of the Operating Room in Promoting Environmental and Financial Stewardship
Mohamad J. Halawi, MD; Chun Wai Hung, MD; Bridget S. Park, BA; Thomas R. Hunt III, MD, DSc
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Original Research
Delayed Orthopaedic Diagnoses in the Polytrauma Patient
Lattisha Bilbrew, MD; Daniel Jupiter, PhD; Nikoletta Carayannopoulos, MD; Randal P. Morris, BS; William J. Mileski, MD; Ronald W. Lindsey, MD
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